Compass Nova Scotia receives property management support from The Community Housing Management Network (The Network) and governance support services from the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada (CHF Canada).
Operational Structure
The Main responsibilities of the Property Manager
The Main responsibilities of the Property Manager at Compass NS includes:
Compass Nova Scotia receives property management support from The Community Housing Management Network (The Network) and governance support services from the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada (CHF Canada).
The Network was founded by the CHF Canada in May of 2009. The Network was established to help co-ops in difficulty and to fill gaps in local management services. The Network now provides day-to-day management services to over 40 co-operatives and non-profit housing providers in Ontario and Nova Scotia.
To learn more about The Network please visit

Main Responsibility of the Governance Support Provided at Compass NS
Compass NS has a contract with CHF Canada to provide governance support consulting. CHF Canada’s Atlantic Regional office provides the following services to the board of directors:
CHF Canada is the national voice for housing co-operatives in Canada. They work with governments and other key decision-makers on behalf of their member co-ops and support the development of more co-op housing. More than 250,000 Canadians of all backgrounds, in every province and territory, make their homes in non-profit housing co-ops. Compass NS was created by CHF Canada and Compass NS is a proud member of CHF Canada. CHF Canada has advocated for the last 50 years for existing co-operatives and the growth of the co-operative sector in Canada. Compass NS will continue to partner with CHF Canada and extend invitations for CHF Canada to have representation on the Board of Directors.
To learn more about CHF Canada please visit